1 inch (25 mm) Wide Braided Leather Obedience Training Collar For Riesenschnauzer
Want to make your dog more obedient? You need high quality dog equipment. Purchase this Leather Choke Collar that will help you not only to cope with dog's disobedience, but also will serve your pet as an accessory.
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Riesenschnauzer collar made of leather choker skillfully braided
Our Leather Choke Collar has special leather braiding along the length and attracts attention. Its function to press the neck of the dog in case of pulling, making the dog feel discomfort and stop pulling. Please note that if properly used it causes no injuries. It is absolutely safe for the dog.
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Riesenschnauzer Handmade Braided Leather Choke Collar
Braided Riesenschnauzer Choke Collar with Brass O-rings
Key features of this Riesenschnauzer Choke Collar: - dog-safe
- 100% full-grain leather
- non-allergic
- cool style
- comfortable
- easy-in-use
- durable
| Intended use of this Riesenschnauzer Choke Collar: - walk
- obedience training
- socializing
Sizes available: | Available colors: |
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Connect strong leash to the O-ring and you are in control of your pet!
Please be advised that:
- For choke collars please specify neck and head circumference of your dog in the widest part.
- We will make best fit collar for your dog based on the sizes you will provide.
- If your dog is a puppy please note that as your dog grows you will have to purchase bigger size choke collar.
Let us tell you some details to make you sure you make a right choice.
Quality. High quality full-grain natural leather guarantees durability to the product. We use selected leather that is properly oiled and thus has long life expectancy and doesn’t fray. In addition the leather is 2 ply and braiding that is handmade and stitched to the collar with thread of the same color make the collar even stronger. This braiding is handmade and performs the function of decoration. Now it is not just a simple tool for training or walk but beautiful accessory for your beloved doggy.
Leather is very soft and pleasant to the touch. If your dog still doesn’t have any choke collar then our Braided Leather Collar is just for you. You will appreciate its quality, comfort and design.
Two reliable brass O-rings are dog-friendly and prevent dog's fur from discoloration and allergies. One of them slides along the collar other perform the function of the tool for leash attachment. No buckle is needed.